Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Music For Young Children

The High Note in Music Learning

Music for Young Children is the only child-centered music-learning system that integrates keyboard, creative movement, rhythm, singing, ear training, sight reading, music theory and composition. MYC‘s is interactive system motivates and engages parents and children, in a fun group based setting that provides a solid foundation in music learning. Children who complete the most advances level of MYC training are well prepared for early intermediate piano studies or studies of another instrument.

MYC teachers meet specific piano-performance and music-theory qualifications, receive special program training and are assessed to ensure consistently high music education standards. Teachers are mentored through network of field coordinators who provide ongoing support and guidance.

Take a look at Music for Young Children, the music-learning system of choice for more than 24,000 students throughout North America, Asia and New Zealand.

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