Monday, August 11, 2014

Wendy Brentnall-Wood

Wendy Brentnall-Wood
is a graduate of Melbourne University Conservatorium of Music in 1981, and A.Mus.A Piano, Wendy has also played and taught numerous instruments since quite young.

As newly qualified teacher Wendy was frustrated by the number of students she saw leaving music classes simply because they found it hard or dull and she set out to improve the teaching materials and methods available.

Wendy has now written over 110 beginner instrumental music books for Piano, Guitar, Violin, Flute, Saxophone and Singing. These books include Method books, Technique books, Create or Improvising books and Sight reading. All books work together in a sequential and step by step, simple and easy to follow system.

Throughout Wendy’s career she has taught classroom music in primary and secondary schools, developed and delivered a preschool music program known as “the Little Musos”, run instrumental music programs in almost 40 primary schools and 4 Retail Music Schools in Melbourne and trained and employed around 30 teachers at a time.

Wendy continues to teach several instruments and is developing her materials for use online and in her rapidly expanding Music School Franchise in Australia.

For more info visit

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