Friday, September 26, 2014

Mark Tse

Mark Tse is a Canadian-born conductor based in Boston with a mission to re-engage the public through programming that both entertains and challenges. He brings with him years of experience in relentlessly generating excitement for concert music through his work in music education. Tse strives to stretch the aesthetic, theoretical and historical understandings of his audience.

His path to pursue professional conducting was paved during a conducting workshop with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra at the Eastman School of Music in 2011, where he was one of only five participants selected to conduct the orchestra in the workshop’s final concert. Mark Tse was a conductor at El Sistema Aeolian for 11 months and at Western Chamber Orchestra for 5 months.

At present, Tse is completing a Master’s degree in conducting with Charles Peltz at the New England Conservatory in Boston. While there, he has premiered new works, taught conducting classes and conducted rehearsals with NEC’s Symphonic Winds. Tse also helped organize the College Band Directors

National Association’s regional conference “Crossing Over” which NEC hosted. On November 11th, 2014 Tse will make his conducting debut with the NEC Wind Ensemble in a performance of Massenet’s Ballet Music from Le Cid. On February 24th, 2015 he will debut with NEC’s Symphonic Winds, leading the ensemble in a performance of Holst’s Hammersmith.

For more info visit

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